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Here at Gigantia we are specialists in effective design of floor display in many types of projects. This element can act as a more special, personalised way of covering the main product at a point of sale. This element enables the company to more effectively attract the target audience since it is more effective to enter the store and see a product that, with effective floor display design, can be differentiated in a striking and unique way from its main competitors.
At Gigantia we help our clients find the best creative solutions by adapting floor display designs to create the greatest impact for consumers visiting the store.
We use different materials in the phases before designing the floor display. It’s important for us to know the needs out clients and know how to adapt our project to these needs, and that means using the right material, keeping total control over the design and manufacturing times, keeping in constant touch with our clients to keep them up to date with the progress and latest developments in the project, etc.
At Gigantia we ensure that with the right design of the floor display, any company can generate a higher profile, more visibility and improve communications of its current and recently launched products to its consumers.
If you want to know more about all the projects we’ve worked on in displays, PLV and packaging, visit our website now and find detailed, up to date information about them.